hyper_shadow;212518 wroteThat sucks man. No matter how beefed up and ninjafied they make raiden, we all know he's just lame.
Solid Snake rules!
I disagree that Raiden is lame. The only problem I see with him is that he pretty much has no personality, while Snake does. Raiden is high and dry on witty behavior as we know him now, but that may change when Rising comes out. At the end of the day I dont care much about that lol...I just want to control the world's greatest ninja as he was meant to be controlled. Story will be important, and Kojima will deliver on that I am sure, but this is a new experience and a new horizon they are circumnavigating. Personally, I cant wait for it. Hopefully there will be some good platforming elements included, as we know from the trailers of MGS 4 that he CAN jump at least 20-30 feet in the air.