Vladimir;21137 wroteActually he's not. The nine tails was put into Naruto, because the 4th hokage knew that he would be able to handle it. Didn't you see that Sora's body couldn't handle the nine tails' chakra? While Naruto even has the real one in him.
And I don't know if it was said in the anime or not, but I remember that in the manga during the wind chakra training with Kakashi, Kakashi said that only Naruto would be able to surpass the 4th hokage.
His power to handle the nine tales is impressive but he without it is as normal as other. In most of his battles he depend on the red chakara to win. I remember when Orichmaro sealed his red chakara in the forst trail, Naruto wasn't able to walk on water only after that seal was taken away from him. Well I might be wrong but thats what I think.
Naruto has the ability to change others so maybe because of that he can surpass the 4th hokage.
About the animation, I still prefer the young Naruto. NS has long faces >__>