Vladimir Xyw13;18975 wroteLOLZ, I'm going to watch either Stardust, or Sweeney Todd. I'll update my post later. At the cinema? Weren't they in the cinema like 4-5 months ago?
Vladimir Xyw13;18985 wrotemaybe more. It's just I hardly have time to read a book.... Not to meniton watching anime, or some movie. OK, then, I'm comming for you, Hancock...-.- Why not The Dark Knight? It rocked!!!
Vladimir brokenhands;20040 wroteDark Knight is kicking ass! Pineapple Express didn't stand a chance. TDK = one of the best movies ever. I saw the pineapple express trailer, but I didn't like it... seemed boring.
Vladimir brokenhands;20055 wroteMaybe I'll see it this week. I just can't bring myself to giving the MPAA any of my money. MPAA? Wazda? You havent seen TDK yet? wtf...
Vladimir brokenhands;20084 wroteNope, I usually just wait until most films hit video. I'm a painfully patient man. Same. But some movies you just have to see @ the cinema.
Vladimir brokenhands;20088 wroteOnly if the title was, "Breasts: The Motion Picture" and it was on the IMAx theaters. So you like to see cows give milk?
Vladimir brokenhands;20100 wroteNo that'd be called "Udder Disaster" I'm thinking of casting David Schwimmer in the lead role. He's due for the action film star role. Why him? Does he have big breasts? XD
Vladimir brokenhands;20103 wroteNo, but he's feminine, and looks like the farmer type. I see. Any movies you're looking forward to? (real movies)
Vladimir brokenhands;20107 wroteThe watchmen live-action movie due in 2009. It was a really good graphic novel. I saw the trailer, but the special effects seemed a bit old :/ But maybe it's just because it's a trailer and they're not done with the finishing touches...
Vladimir Seemed real, hang on lemme get the link.. elevator music Here it is: YouTube - The Watchmen Trailer Official (720p High Definition)
Vladimir brokenhands;20120 wroteI don't trust youtube, I tried this one Apple - Trailers - Watchmen It's the same one. But if you look carefully at the part where the guy disintegrates you see it looks like some c4d render. Same goes for the water when the ship comes out of water... :/ The blue guys look like were pasted on that background...
Vladimir brokenhands;20417 wroteThey were probably going for the same look from the comic, like QT did in Sin City. I guess so. I usually like to watch movies for their special effects, because most of their stories suck anyway. So this movie better have a kick ass story XD
Vladimir brokenhands;20963 wroteIt's on par with Sin City, it made Wizard's top ten list. I haven't seen Sin City (yet). Maybe I should. What's that Wizard's list? Never heard of it.
Vladimir didieee;21045 wrotei want to see "don't mess with the zohan" one of these days^^ looks ok:) Yeah, I've havent seen it either. It does look funny. But I don't think it's worth a trip to the cinema...
Mich Hm.. i saw Hancock, was pretty good and funny ^. [spoiler]wish i had half of his super power :victory1:[/spoiler] And then i saw batman the dark night. [spoiler]Didnt expect it would be that good. And the joker made the movie more exciting ^[/spoiler]
Mich Vladimir;18973 wroteWhat a coincidence that you saw the same ones at me Heeeey...were you that hot girl who was sitting next to me? XD haha yeh maybe it was me :P. Someone liked to sit next to you :blush2:
Mich Xyw13;18975 wroteLOLZ, I'm going to watch either Stardust, or Sweeney Todd. I'll update my post later. Sweeney Todd sounds good. :D
Mich I was watching "Danny the dog" with Jet Li, Morgan Freeman and Bob Hoskins (dunno how to spell his name) and more.. it was a really good movie, i recomend it.. :hello: watch the trailer: YouTube - Unleashed (Danny the Dog) trailer (Jet Li)