Elfin Lied.
-Makes you laugh, cry, badass moments, quite a few hulkamania moments*
-the final showdown
-satisfying amount of gore,
-after topic discussion with friends on: the effects of abuse, trust, how awesome the final showdown was,
-overall story
-good 'to the point' plot/character devlopment scenes [rare in anime]
-good cliche ending [the best they could of possibly done]
-warp speeds from morbid to funny too often
-some really cliche characters
-cliche ending
-too short
-warp speeds from morbid to funny too often
*hulkamania moments:
1.when a character you like is in a grave situation and it seems like its the end for him/her when all of a sudden the tides turn and you say to your self [oh man, that bad guy is gonna get it big time].
2.you foresee an asswhooping that you will enjoy watching