there i was sat there bored surfing the net with irc running on my other monitor when..
—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— [12:25am] Netsplit Detected. «*.net .split»
[12:25am] guzt «*» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «32 people»
[COLOR="Red"][12:26am] <+u4ria>[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]its not a proper netsplit if it doesnt DC at least 10 people[/COLOR]
—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— [12:28am] Netsplit Detected. «.net .split»
[12:28am] dave55man «» has Quit iRC (*.net .split) «31 people»
[12:28am] [Eureka] «» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «30 people»
[12:28am] Scooter «» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «29 people»
[12:28am] Yusuke «» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «28 people»
[12:28am] BiLLaBoNgX «» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «27 people»
[12:28am] giggle-tan «» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «26 people»
[12:28am] Kyouto «*** has Quit iRC (*.net .split) «25 people»
[12:28am] mad-egg «**» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «24 people»
[12:28am] madpinger «» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «23 people»
[12:28am] yoh[off] «*» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «22 people»
[12:28am] Ketsurui\\WORK «*» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «21 people»
[12:28am] wiiguy «» has Quit iRC (.net .split) «20 people»
[12:28am] RJD22[FTP-Anime] «****» has Quit iRC (.net *.split) «19 people»
[COLOR="Red"][12:28am] <+u4ria>[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]now thats a netsplit[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"][12:29am] <+Xarda>[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]lol[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"][12:29am] <+Xarda>[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]we are all alone T___T[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"][12:29am] <+Xarda>[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]with the BOTs[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"][12:29am] <+Xarda>[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"] =)[/COLOR]
its has if the irc god answered me...