rjd22 Ok this forum is for quotes you made yourself. I will post mine now: The truth hurts but never dies. Life is like a roll toilet paper. It keeps rolling till the end comes.
Genjuu_Mugon "Pants are extremely useful. They can be burned for warmth, can be used for emergency first aid, You can go down zip lines with them, and you can wear them! What more could you want?"
u4ria As quoted in the irc channel 2 of mine "Thinking Hard, Hurts so much" and "Women always Bitch, its in there DNA"
GhostHeLL [COLOR=Red]My Quotes [/COLOR][COLOR=Red]:notes:[/COLOR][COLOR=Red]in order of creation [/COLOR][COLOR=Red]:thankyou:[/COLOR][COLOR=Red]:singer:[/COLOR][COLOR=Red]:thankyou:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]<Ghost Hell>"[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]Death is an Awesome feeling that One must go thru at least Twice in a Life Time[/COLOR][COLOR=Red]" [/COLOR][COLOR=Red]<ShockTrooper> [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR]naah im good not like quotes that much thank you anyways[/COLOR]" [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]<Maxius> [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR]Life is like a Mine ready to explode when you least expect it too[COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR][/COLOR] <GhostH> [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR]Life is like a passing Spring...A Cool Breeze that flows over you...never stopping till the time comes asunder[COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR][/COLOR] <GH> [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR]Is it Time to face your fears head on Or will you succumb into its firm grasp[COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR][/COLOR] <Hail>[COLOR=Blue] [COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR]Let the Snow be your model...Let the brush flow with your mind...For the beauty that shines in the eye takes your breath away[COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]<solitude>[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR]I gave u my word...u spat it back at me...I gave u my arm...u sliced it off from me...I gave u my pity...u turned it down...I gave u my soul...U sold it to the Devil...Now I give u my forgiveness...& yet u chose to seal ur self to eternal Damnation[COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]<ChiBomber>[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR]Chi still in ultra high security prison database due to multiple terrorrist bombing activities[COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]<Maxis>[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]"[/COLOR]Porn sucks...Hentai is way better[COLOR=Red]" <Darkn> "[COLOR=Blue]Once Death passes its Icy Hand over YOU, It has already consumed your SOUL[/COLOR]" <Chibomber>"[COLOR=Blue]Its Chi & Kyouki!! Kicking their way to Fame & Fortune[/COLOR]" [/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]<MaxiusHell> "[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]Damn!! that Kitty is an entity to reckon with..Beware of Freia the Immortal Kitty[/COLOR][COLOR="red"]"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][COLOR=Red]COME BACK[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]FOR NEW ONES[/COLOR][/COLOR] ^:music2::karaoke::music:^ [/COLOR][/COLOR]