For Mushishi, the creators actually went for a different ending, every episode. Every single one of them was awesome, and a really relaxed melody.
Starship Operators
The creators really got a great singer for this one, with an amazing voice. It's a very quiet ballad, but really powerful for me.
xxxHolic ED2
This ED, beyond having a great song, has two members of the cast playing the air guitar, and another doing the air drums. How can't that be awesome!
Red Garden ED1
I personally like rocky songs more over poppy ones, but the best rock ED for me is Rock the LMC from Red Garden. It's a really energetic song here, plus it shows the members of the cast from this series (which is a horror action series...) going to a rock concert.
His & Her Circumstances
This is a very simple song, yet it is incredibly catchy with its drums and guitars. In terms of visuals it really is not much and just a bunch of live action images, but I really liked how it worked out.