Mashiro;479928 wroteTTTTTTTriple post!
can't there be made a sub-forum in this forum for all those winter/fall/spring/sumer animes 20112013
There doesn't really need to be a sub forum for those just yet (maybe soon). Really, they all need to be in one stickied thread as they are now. [edit: nevermind, I see what you mean now]
However, I do like the recommendation in many ways. If It was implemented I would make a thread for each year that has already past - then I'd have one for each season bracket and then put them into one thread once the year is over (which I basically planned to do with how they are now).
I can put a lot of charts previous years for us all to look at whenever needed. If we make this sub forum I'd put a lot of effort to make it great for us all.
Whatever happens, I'll get rid of those threads and put them into one when the winter anime charts are more detailed versions (which isn't going to be very far from now) as I planned - just don't want to do it until I can make one for a whole years worth of charts.
Edit: I'll ask rjd to make this sub-board, I realized how cluttered it really is here.