well, i don't have a console to play, but i had play a few minutes of FFVIII, and the intro movie ufff!!! with the ...fitos, lusec, wecos, vinosec...
in Metal Gear Solid when Sniper Wolf request to Snake to 'finish her', pretty sad and sentimentalistic, and when Otacon's reveals that he loves her...
again priceless....
i'm downloading the original version of Magnacarta: shadow of avalanche (pc), someone spoils me about the game and says that the part of the dead of the princess Juclecia is impactant and emotional.. he said tha is priceless...
(so i had to play in order to know)....
in Devil May Cry 4 when Kyrie is absorbed, and Nero could not help her... impactant...
the very end of Call of Duty 6, wow!! awesome!!!