mjsh83;45347 wroteyeah i would recommend the same... hentai is just about the drawing and cause is japaness that is catalog as anime... but mainly in the start, now its catalog as just HENTAI (not anime) since the purpose and group of ppl are so diferent XD
I almost feel dissapointed in that comment but I must give you the benefit
of your opinion(It is still a free internet world right?^^)...
My take on hentai is this - It is still Anime(It's under Hentai Anime in our ddl forum)...
Yes, all who do partake in watching hentai are doing it to satisfy a guilty pleasure. And yes, I understand that a good 90% of content of hentai consists of dark stories.
The thing is, fappin off to hentai doesn't rule my world(Thank goodness I've got a relationship to back that up!:m-bata:)!
Nothing's taboo to my wife because she enjoys most of the stories except the tentacle stuff(she thinks Loli and Yayoi is cute!@ .@ )
Yea, almost 70% of my external hd consists of hentai, but only because I bought my (normal?) anime dvds and I refuse to pay $30 for a 30 min hentai dvd(Nevermind $70 for a RAW import dvd from Japan!)
Over the years, I prefer to watch hentai anime for the stories - Fansub groups get donations to get RAWS translated, guess which type of anime gets fansubbed the most? Hentai... Heck even groups not known for fansubbing hentai release a few titles because of the story...
I guess my point is this... Watching hentai anime shouldn't encapsulate you as a rapist/pedo/alien perv...
I may be in the minority, but I throughly enjoy ANY anime that shows that the artist and writer still care about their craft... garbage hentai is something I dislike (Bad art, no storyline, either-or...)
Btw - Big Wolf and Mjsh thanks for accepting and understanding me as I respect your devout beliefs and sincere enthusiasm for anime!:bow:
Here's to hoping you guys can understand me even better now!