I'm really open to doing anything, as long as I know I have the skills for it.
Let's see..... I have some modding experience, though you guys appear to be set in that area.
I could probably do very well as an editor, but I note that one of the "Staff" threads mentions that is an over-subscribed position.
I could probably do okay at timing, QA, QC, and maybe type-setting, though that last I'm less sure about. My Japanese at the moment is too limited to do any serious translation. The rest of the fansub positions depend more on what programs you use for Karaoke and encoding.
I'm going to be honest here and say that aside from editing, my personal experience in these areas is somewhat limited. I've hard-subbed a few shows for personal use, when I didn't like how the fansub was handled, or if there were a lot of mistakes in the dialogue, but that does not include any work with Adobe After Effects, and it invloved, at most, very limited encoding. It was mostly re-timing to fit my raw copy and also editing for mistakes and to match my personal styling preferences. I used both Aegisub (mainly) and various other subtitling programs (mostly in .ssa formats for the latter.)
If you think there's anything I can be useful for, that's great. If not, I'm still enjoying your wonderful site. :disco: