TheWolf wow what an interesting take on an old genre!! - can't solve it myself [i know NOTHING of magic girl shooters!] but i'll be really interested to check out the game after mark or Sub solves it.
TheWolf i knew you'd get it!!! we'll have to make a new thread - "try to stump The Leo!!!"!! go easy on the old man with the next one - ok leo? EDIT: dude seriously - we have GOT to find you a job in the gaming industry!!!!
TheWolf marla, the head witch from BigBoobs-R-Us? yes this is one i'll never get ... AGAIN ... sigh @[deleted] - stumped once in 20+ years??? hahaha
TheWolf knew i couldn't get it so i went off moving some threads [mod stuff - it's FUN!!!!] i TOLD you leo would get it kamikazee!! he CAN NOT be stumped!!!!
TheWolf is she from the new starcraft 2? i don't remember her from starcraft 1 or broodwar. btw - good to see you on again kamikazee!!!
TheWolf it HAS to be nancy kerigan then!!! i never would have gotten that from that pic tho - never saw that pic of her!!
TheWolf i'm not familiar with alot of ps games [more computer buff] - any more hints? btw - dleo will get it right off the bat - he's a WIZ at this game!!
TheWolf that's not a clue that helps me -.- don't be so stingy with those leo!!!! [jk] any more clues i could google and research?