Hello, I'm no much for introductions sorry. So i guess ill just continue with the basics. My name is Gilbert, I am 35 and was born on Aug 7 1973, which makes me a LEO. I live in California USA.
I found this site by checking the links area at Animaster HQ site. I was looking for new sites with anime i have not seen yet and basically followed the links here.
Well lets see a bit about me. I love anime all sort, but most of all they have to have a good decent story line otherwise i just cant get into it. The very first real anime i saw was Robotech back when i was in the seventh grade. After that i just couldn't get enough of it. Since then i try to watch what ever i can get my hands on, but in my area that is not much @ .@ , so now that i have lots of time on my hands i tend to spend lots of time watching anime online.
As for what i do for a living, that would be not much realy because i am disabled, but i do have a family. out of the 6 kids i have only 2 live with us. Three more are with my ex wife and one with my wifes ex husband, and wouldnt you guess it they are all girls. Oh yea my oldest witch is my stepdaughter from my first wife is now 18, married and has made me a grandpa. And guess what my grandchild is. Yup its a girl.
Well as for my interests, I have quite a few ranging from programing to DnD, but the majority of the ones i still am able to do have to do with computers.
Not sure what else I can say, cept that I hope to get to know you all.